Preventive and corrective maintenance
What is preventive maintenance?
Preventive maintenance is essential to keep solar parks operating efficiently and safely. It consists of regular inspections, repairs and replacements designed to prevent potential problems before they occur. This proactive approach helps maximise the life of the solar farm by detecting signs of wear and identifying issues where additional maintenance may be needed. Preventive maintenance also helps avoid costly repairs, downtime and even safety issues.

What is corrective maintenance?
Corrective maintenance of solar parks is the process of repairing, replacing and inspecting parts or components that are damaged. This type of maintenance is usually required when damage to a system or component has already occurred, unlike preventive maintenance, which takes place before a problem arises. The primary objectives of corrective maintenance are to restore functionality as quickly as possible and reduce downtime to minimise interruptions to power generation.
Preventive maintenance is a priority
Preventive maintenance is essential for the successful operation of solar parks. It helps reduce downtime, ensure safety and maximise equipment life. With proper planning, it can also help minimise the cost of repairs and replacements. Preventive maintenance should be a priority in any solar farm to keep the systems operating efficiently and safely.

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Our projects

At D'Arta Frozen Foods in Ardooie, Solora built a PV installation with a peak capacity of 9362,19 kWp.

Aquafin is pushing for sustainability by installing a solar farm at the landfill. This 750 kWp installation allows 25% of the site's energy demand to be met.

Delhaize Bentille opted for a PV rooftop installation. With their 161.95 kWp solar installation, they utilize the entire roof and are assured of green power.